To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

Politics / Thursday, January 20th, 2022

For the past several months I’ve hesitated on writing this blog. But God has shown me it’s time. So here we go.

There are many attitudes I have seen among Christian people today that frighten me, and I have been subject to fall into my own attitudes now and then, but then I pause, The Holy Spirit beckons and I listen and try to calm my heart.

Let’s go through some of these.

1. Unvaccinated people are selfish and vaccinated people are caring.

I’ve actually heard this almost word for word and this is a scary attitude for several reasons. Number one, I know unvaccinated people and vaccinated people who are wonderful people. I know if I need something I can call them and they would be there. I also know vaccinated and unvaccinated people that I’m pretty sure wouldn’t answer my text much less be there. And I’m sure we can all say this if we thought about it. So let’s stop labeling people’s character by whether they get a shot or wear a mask. That’s a dangerous perspective.

2. If you are anti-COVID shot, you are antivax.

Imagine if we used this attitude for everything else. Well, if you don’t take these pills, you are anti-pill. If you don’t choose this insurance, you are anti-insurance. If you don’t… fill in the blank. This can apply in some areas. Some things are hot or cold, cut or dry. When it comes to this though there are multiple choices to treat COVID and even prevent COVID and none of them are one hundred percent. We could all eat healthy and take our vitamins, drink plenty of water and exercise… but Lord knows I ain’t doing that and I would be lying if I said I did.

3. You can’t be pro-choice with vaccinations and pro-life.

Oh this one. This attitude lies in something much larger than politics. If you are a Christian and are pro-life you consider this two different issues because in one reality, another life is involved and that life can not speak for him or herself. If you are pro-choice and look past the point that there is defenseless life involved, or perhaps you don’t believe the unborn are alive at all, then this logic makes sense. Whichever your view, one can not deny the fact that a pregnancy ends in a life coming out of another body. Therefore this logic is a dangerous one to the pro-life Chistian, because if you in fact believe a child in the womb is a life, this attitude ignores that entirely.

4. I must be obedient to the government at all times.

I have actually been told as a Christian that it’s my job to obey and be kind and if I take a stand or disobey I’m not being like Jesus. Jesus was loving. Jesus was kind. Jesus also flipped tables and called Pharisees a brood of snakes. Jesus was also killed because he chose to live differently and the Jews saw His claim to be God as a threat to the religious and secular institutions. Now, am I calling for anarchy? No. But if the government is asking you to go against your convictions in Christ, you are not obligated to obey. In fact, many of our brothers and sisters die everyday because of this.

For number five I want to do something different.

What if we are asking the wrong question?

Let me ask you this: what good is it for everyone to get vaccinated, or not, and die lost and separated from God? What if we all cared about our souls and sin as much as we did COVID?


Nobody wants to discuss that.

Because the truth is there are vaccinated and unvaccinated people walking around dead. They have no relationship with Christ. They have no desire for a relationship with Jesus and, though they may be good people, according to scripture they are lost. At the same time there are Christians walking around doing everything we can to avoid COVID, and living in complete rebellion to God.

When we die, we have to stand before God and all that will matter is what we did with Jesus.

Does that mean we just throw caution to the wind? No. No one wants to die of COVID. No one wants their family members to die of COVID. Just like no one wants to die in a car wreck. It sucks.

So do what you believe is best for your family. Get vaccinated if you want to. Don’t if you don’t and allow other people to have a different opinion while still holding yours close.

Don’t allow satan to get a foothold in your heart.

Vaccinated or not we all need Jesus and we all will face God when we die.

Let’s start searching our souls as much as our nostrils.

Stop defining people’s character by whether they wear a mask or get a shot and let’s see souls.

Jesus touched lepers. In his day, others could have seen that as uncaring to thoseĀ  traveling with him because leprosy was highly contagious. But Jesus cared about healing body and soul.

Let’s all chill and remember when we met that person on the playground in grade school and instantly said “wanna be my friend?” And then formed a relationship with that person and got to know their soul.

Vaccinated or not vaccinated, Jesus loves you!

Special thanks to our healthcare workers for doing what you do. Vaccinated or unvaccinated we need you and thank you!