When You Feel You May Lose You Sanity

Life Issues / Tuesday, May 21st, 2019


Hello my name is Lisa Donham. I am OCD with my house and my classroom. Everything has a place.

You can always tell when I am truly depressed or my life is busy beyond belief because that remote is laying on the floor, not in the dark wicker basket it sits so neatly in. That towel in thrown on the bed, instead of hanging on the back of the vanity chair. What is that…? When is the last time the house was cleaned..?

I don’t really know.

I have two days left of school people. I am trying to keep my sanity. Right now, school is the focus. But in a couple of days, the pace of my life will slow down, I will breathe, and a little piece of sanity will perhaps return to my overworked brain.

This is the first blog I’ve written in almost a month.

And lately I feel like I’m Ms. Trunchbull. Everyday…

You know what else gets worse during times when I am super busy and super booked? Besides my hair and my wardrobe…

My anxiety.

It withers me like a bluebonnet flower in the hot Texas sun.

When my mind races and my heart beats fast, I loose sight of what is truly important- the kingdom of God and God Himself.

I’ve lost kingdom focus.


And with it… some desire.

I’m tired.

I’m overwhelmed.

I’m over it.

But in all this my final destination is not summer… it is heaven. It is my home with Christ.

God permits rest. In fact, He encourages it. He tells us to,

“Be still…” in Psalm.

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and rest…” in 1 Peter.

God himself rested after creating the universe in six days! Jesus slept while he was on earth just as we have to in order to renew our strength.

So after this last week of school, by all means rest!

But even in those moments when Jesus rested, He did not forget His mission, and that His true place was in heaven at the right hand of The Father. His Father.

Even in our times of busy… busy… busy… may we never loose sight of our final resting place.

Take some deep breathes. Breathe. Count to 10. Close your eyes if you can. Sing. Look out your window. Start a thankful list.

And know this is not the end and this is not your “always,” for those of us who are in Christ.

Victory is ours!

You are loved.
You are valued.
You are useful.


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