“Remember Who the Real Enemy Is”

Blog / Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

This past weekend, my husband and I spent it at home binge watching The Hunger Games movies.

It had been years since I have seen any of them, and years since we had read the books.

As I fell into my nerd fixation with this trilogy once again, just like I had as a young girl, one line stood out to me among the rest.

There is a scene where Katniss has a choice to kill Finnick in the arena. With her bow stretched and her arrow aimed, unaware of the plot to save her, Finnick puts up his hands in surrender and yells, “REMEMBER WHO THE REAL ENEMY IS!” She then takes the arrow and shoots it in to the dome cieling of the arena, as lightning surges through the wire connected from the arrow to the tree, where it had struck initially. As the forcefield electrifies, everything goes black.

Did you know God can use anything to speak to us?

Well, He spoke to me through this one line, “Remember who the real enemy is.” 

During this time of fear, confusion and media- it is easy to take our eyes of Jesus.

News sources and social media everywhere are writing content that competes for our attention, but the media is not our ultimate enemy. It can be used of the enemy for sure, but you can find content to support any viewpoint on the web. So although the news can be biased, the majority of opinion is represented in at least one way.

The government is not our ultimate enemy. It can be used of the enemy, and it has its limits of power, but some people that are in government and that have government jobs truly care about Americans and, in their minds, are doing what they believe is best for our nation in the wake of uncertainty and scrutiny.

Coronavirus is not our ultimate enemy. It is being used of satan to discourage, traumatize and even kill off humankind, but it is not our ultimate enemy. There has been pandemics before and there will be pandemics again, unless Jesus comes back.

Poverty is not our ultimate enemy. Even as I type this, I shudder. Who wants to be poor? No one, but there are many poor people who are so totally in love with Jesus.

There are opinions abounding, but there is one ultimate truth:


And there is one ultimate enemy:


Still, as black and white as that is, there are still many different perspectives on the little things, and everyone has been given free will to have their perspective and opinions, although free behavior and free thinking are too different things.

I have seen so much division on social media and in America lately, and Jesus is screaming, “Remember who the real enemy is.”

During this time, people need hope. They need light and purpose and a helping hand. They need a smile, a hug, a roll of toilet paper… (all kidding aside)

We need each other.

God gave us each other to build one another up, in love, and speak truth.

During this Holy Week, share some hope and plant some love in the hearts of men and watch a flower blossom, and let’s keep our eyes on the Risen King.