5 Things to Occupy Your Mind

Blog, Mental Health / Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

If you are a woman and overthink everything… like me… there will be times when you need your mind occupied. 

You overthink your job, your bills, your relationships, your daily schedule, your life…

Here are five things you can do to occupy your time! They are practical but resourceful.

1.Put away the technology and pick up a book.

Do you ever find yourself being dramatic on the phone. Me too? LOL. Put away the phone and grab yourself a book and dive into a different era, place, or even world. Books can take you anywhere for less. 

2. Go for a run/walk.

Running I know, it’s terrible at times, but believe it or not it helps! It really can. It releases hormones that can relieve stress. At first it may be hard but eventually your body will crave some good outside jogging.

3. Craft

I love to craft. It’s so fulfilling to make something yourself. Crafting is a good way to put your hands to good use and escape in creativity. Why don’t we just craft all those worries into page-covered wine glasses shall we? 

4. Nature/Animals/Happy Place 

One of my favorite things to do to get my mind off of things is to go out into nature. I have a best friend with a farm and going into the open space with horses, chickens and pasture calms my nerves. A good dirt road is great medicine, and then there are hikes, nature walks, cuddling with a puppy. What can calm your nerves more than cuddling with a cute puppy? 

Turn off your TV and go outside. 

But what if you say, “Lisa I live in the city…” well there are usually little bits of country nestled everywhere, but go to your happy place. In college this was Hobby Lobby at Christmastime (which is like anytime after July for Hobby Lobby LOL), PetSmart and Hastings (you know that old place where you could buy movies and books.) Bookstores are always good therapy. Get you some coffee and just relax. 

5. Journal 

I realize writing is not everyone’s favorite, but it truly does help me and others that I know that struggle with a racing mind. I love my journal. She doesn’t judge. She doesn’t tell me to be quiet. She doesn’t call me dramatic (even though I am) and she doesn’t call me crazy. She just… listens. Pen on paper is how I thrive. I write so much better than I talk. Which explains my novel texts, but it’s true. I express myself better through writing. Sometimes we have to learn to do this to our journal and not to people. 

There ya go! Five practical things to help you keep your sanity! 

And always remember… 

You are loved. 
You are valuable. 
You are useful. 

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