Why Should We Say No to Plastics?

Blog, Going Green / Friday, December 14th, 2018

My desire to “go green” comes from many inspirations. Going to a third world country will surely change your perception of how American’s live. I would not be the same without my beautiful Africa. 

Can you see the African lion looking at the sunset? One of my favorite pictures I snapped. 

Another inspiration came from a dear friend who I noticed refused straws. When I asked her about why, she shared with me her passions and some of them slowly became my own as I saw how we, as humans, can better the environment and the world around us. To this person, I love you! 

And yet another inspiration comes from scripture where God says, 

“Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” 
Genesis 1:29 

I once had someone tell me, “Most people I meet like you are hippies, but you are not…” LOL 

Well, part of the reason I want to take care of earth and animals is because I want to be a good steward of what God has given us.

My faith does not hinder my free-thinking on this matter, in fact, it strengthens it. 

My sister still swears I’ll be a tattooed vegan in fifty years with a child named Silo. 

(PS I won’t…. her name will be Marigold) 😉 Totally kidding. 

The point is, I have my reasons. 

There is one area of “going green” that I am particularly passionate about- plastics. 



(If you haven’t seen Nacho Libre and do not get this reference what are you doing with your life.) 

But for real, I hate plastics. Let me give you a few reasons why: 


Please read the link above. I was going to type all of those out, but they are ALL too good not to share. 

In summary- plastics SUCK. 

  1. They are usually used for a very short period of time before being thrown away. 
  2. If they are not recycled they end up landfills where they will never biodegrade and can not be burned due to giving off toxic chemicals. 
  3. There is usually a better alternative to most plastic used. 

Now, I am well aware that avoiding plastic all together in our world is a bit unrealistic, but if we avoid what we can and be sure to recycle what plastic we can’t avoid? 

Here are some alternatives to plastic: 

  1. Glass– instead of storing things in plastic bins, store them in mason jars.  This is a move I have made and LOVE. They are cute, reusable and recycle- friendly since they are made of glass. Glass plates, cups, and bowls are also available. 
  2. Bamboo– bamboo is not like using natural wood. Bamboo can be grown fairly quickly and is grown regularly, so it the supply can meet the demand. Bamboo is biodegradable and seems to be a new trend. 
  3. Cotton– Cotton is biodegradable and pretty soft. It’s a win, win really. 
  4. Stainless Steel– Stainless Steel lunch pails, cooking utensils and household items can be a good buy. They last a long time and steel can be recycled to make other things in the future. 
  5. Silicone– Silicone can be a little controversial, but silicone is still a good alternative to plastic. You will find a lot of silicone/stainless steel combinations. 

These are all good alternatives to plastic and I am doing this myself! I hope you find this helpful in your search to go green and keep the earth clean! 

You are loved. 
You are valued. 
You are useful.