Shopping Like a Minimalist

Going Green / Monday, December 17th, 2018

Unlike most women, I am not a big shopper. Unless it’s books, reusable stuff, stuff like toiletries, or a second hands store, Amazon… I feel like I’m wasting money most of the time when I shop. In fact, I was just able to take a shopping trip with my dad and sister recently where I experienced some of the lowest levels of anxiety that I have in awhile while being in a shopping mall. 

I have been back from Kenya for going on two and a half years and I am just now getting to where I can be in a mall without wanting to run. 

All of us Americans just spending money blindly while a whole world waits out there dying and poor. It kills me. Literally. You know what else kills me? I don’t donate any of my money to those that are in need because I am trying to make it myself sometimes. This is something I should work on along with minimalism/going green. 

Africa 2014… Precious Babies 

I am just as guilty as anyone else- just with fast food. Food is my arch enemy. Being single, it can be hard to cook because you have no one to eat it with and you end up eating tacos for four days. 

On a serious note, I need to do better. 

This Christmas, Americans will spend outrageous amounts of money on stuff that will be in garage sales next year. We will play with this stuff for a year only for us to want the next big “thing.” It never ends, and it never stops.

The pressure to “keep us with the Jones.” The status to have to fancy cars, clothes, shoes and electronics. I wonder if all these people that chase possessions realize it’s a battle they will never win? 

There is nothing wrong with having nice things as long as you have things and your things don’t have you. 

One of the most overlooked addictions in society today is greed. And greed is dangerous, because it can never be satisfied. Only for a moment will it leave you alone, and then it will come back for more. 

Greed for money. Greed for stuff. Greed for ____________ (you fill in the blank.) And I am talking about myself. Oh believe me, in no way should I be your example. I love books. I love candles. I love elephants…. 

So what can we do to make some practical adjustments to ensure that we are not “overdoing” it or buying stuff we won’t keep or use? 

Take these tips in consideration: 

Asking ourselves these key questions when we shop can keep us from buying things we, otherwise, don’t need. 

Another thing I will add that I ask myself is: 

Does this go against any goals I have?

I am trying to be as earth conscious as possible, so if something is plastic I try to avoid it. If I have to throw it away or know that I won’t use it, I try to avoid it. If I do buy plastic, I try to buy recyclable plastic. 

There you go! Some suggestions for shopping like a minimalist. 

Better yet, let’s replace shopping with gifting and maybe make some Christmas gifts instead! The past couple of years my family has done this and we love it. A made gift is a cherished gift. It takes time and thought. Crafting is a great option for those that don’t want to spend a ton of money and want to give a memorable gift. 

What about giving away some stuff you never use. Who is too good for regifting? Not I. You are never going to use it anyway, so why not let someone else enjoy it? 

Happy crafting and gifting! 

You are loved. 
You are valuable. 
You are useful.