Tiny Homes

Spiritual Warfare / Tuesday, February 19th, 2019

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
Matthew 6:24

They are really cute, and homey. My minimalistic, environmental soul believes they are just the bee’s knees.

I am speaking of the tiny home. Oh how lovely it is.

So cute and quaint.

The reason I love tiny homes is I like to compartmentalize my life. Everything has a place, and I would prefer the bare minimum.

The rag that hangs on the towel holder in my bathroom. The fork in my silverware drawer organizer. The toothbrush holder in my cabinet.

Everything has a place, and it stays in it’s place most of the time. It’s not allowed to go into other parts of the house. For example, I don’t put bath towels in the kitchen. That is not where it goes. The kitchen towels go there.

Tiny homes appeal to my style.

But what about when we do this with God in our own lives?

We try to organize and compartmentalize our lives into this pretty like package. We work out. We read to heighten intelligence. We review life decisions to raise self- awareness. All the while our spiritual life is nonexistent or dwindling.

We keep Jesus out of certain parts of our lives and say, “Jesus, you don’t belong there, get back in the cabinet where I put You.”

Our physical life looks like this:

While our spiritual life looks like this:

This was me recently.

Basically I was telling Jesus to keep out of my business. Have ya’ll ever done that?

God I can handle this.
I don’t need you.
I’ve got this.
Can’t I just have this one area of my life?

We all have those sins we want to hold onto to.
Those people we want to hold onto.
That life we want to hold onto.

I struggle with this ya’ll- letting Jesus into EVERY and I mean EVERY part of my life.

See, it’s easy to accept Jesus as Savior, because that means you are not destined to eternal hell. It’s hard to accept Him as Lord, because that means we can’t always do what we want.

Surrender is just against our flesh isn’t it?

But I am an adult. I should be able to do what I want, when I want.

Today God said, “Oh really.”

Turns out guys, I’m not wiser than God. I’m not smarter. I’m not God.

Sometimes surrendering is the hardest, most rewarding thing we can do.

I can’t serve both God and ______________. You fill in your blank.

Beloved, you are loved, valued and useful.