I Don’t Normally Date Skinny Men

Blog, Humor / Wednesday, October 24th, 2018

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

I don’t normally date skinny men. Let me explain.

When I was in college I went out with a guy who was skinny. At the end of a romantic night dancing under the stars he tried to set me on his tailgate, and he tried…. and he treiddddd…. and he trieeeedddddd.

Me the night before…. 

And you know he just couldn’t get the job done…

 I looked like a limp doll with my arms flapping up and down and he struggled under the weight of my “iron.” I finally just said, “Just let me do it…” 

Now I have always preferred bigger guys, truth be told. In fact my sister growing up called me a “chubby chaser.” I love them being snuggly and like a pillow and feeling safe and protected.  I just prefer bigger guys. 

When men say “I want to loose weight…” I’m like “How much exactly….” LOL

But after this experience I was definitely NOT a fan of dating men that were littler than me. In fact, I struggled with it. 

I wonder if I should have ran and gotten a head start and he couldv’e hoisted me up like a cheerleader onto the tailgate…

Probably not…

But my whole point of telling this embarrassing, rather funny story is to say that aren’t we glad God does not look at our outsides, but our insides?

We are afraid of intimacy- of someone truly knowing us fully and completely. 

That He examines the heart and the mind and He weighs our intentions and our true motives. Now, something that can be intimidating or perhaps even a reason we draw away from Him.

We know the deep dark recesses of our hearts and our inmost struggles and we don’t want to be vulnerable with a Creator we can’t see but can see all of us.

Truth is, He already knows anyway.

If you would have seen my wedding pictures, you would have seen a couple that had the support of many and that physically looked good together. You would have seen happiness, laughter, celebration. 

In the background of that lied a darkness that was hidden in the shadows. 

When brought to light that picture that we had was completely broken. 

God does not look at what man sees. God sees the our hearts.

He saw our brokeness.

He saw my brokeness. 

He sees your brokeness.

Let’s tell Him what He already knows. 

You are loved. 
You are valued. 
You are useful. 

*PS Skinny men and women are loved, valued and useful. This is not a body shaming post in any way.