“I’m Tired”

Blog, Life Issues, Mental Health, Spirituality / Friday, November 1st, 2019

There is work to be done.

My schedule is full and my heart is somewhat empty. My mind is overloaded and my stamina has dissolved.

I am tired.

Anyone else?

Add being imperfect, buying a fixer upper, and holidays coming up and you have a recipe for one stressed out teacher.

DING DING DING… order ready!

The number one thing I hear as an American is “I’m tired.”

We are.

We work. ALL. THE. TIME.

Part of that is life, part of that is our society has told us anything less is unacceptable.

When we aren’t on the job, we are at home working. When we aren’t at home working, we are at the job. We are making phone calls, folding laundry and cooking dinner… all at the same time. Everything is multitasking.

Our media influences center around death, chaos, destruction and devastation. Just look at Netflix’s top picks and you will know what I am talking about.

I am just as guilty. A true crime and documentary addict, The Office is just about the only fun thing I watch regularly.

I am also a pro at multi-tasking and literally have a hard time doing just one thing at a time. In fact, I work better under pressure it seems, but to what cost?

America is tired.

Phones, computers, TVs, day planners….

We have forgotten the art of relaxation. Of the quiet. Of the stillness.

I am convinced that when God said, “Be still and know that I am God,” (Psalms 46:10) it was because He knew it would come to this. He knew He would have to MAKE people be still.

Yes, we live in a time when people have to be told to BE STILL…

Put down the phone.
Turn off the TV.
“Lisa, turn off Crime Junkie’s podcast.”

Be still.
Be still.
Be still.

This week I am being forced to slow down. After getting my gallbladder out, Cathleen, I have to make some time to just heal. (Yes,  I named her.)

Maybe we should just take five minute increments out of our day to meditate and be still. To pray. To refocus. To recharge.

When eternity comes, Jesus isn’t going to care how many papers we got done. He won’t care about our salary. He won’t care about how many followers on Instagram we had.

He cares about our souls and how we used all of those things to glorify Him or not.

And He cares about our still moments when we breathe in life and say, “Jesus, I love you.”

He cares about obedience and faith.

You are loved, valued and useful.

Let’s not forget to take time to be still.