
Blog, Encouragement, Life Issues, Relationships, Spirituality / Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

I was driving to work on my way back from McDonalds.

This tea is not the best. Definitely not Sonic tea. 

The thought reverberated in my brain and selfishness filled my circuits.

She has to walk for water. 

I remembered our World Vision baby and her meager means just to survive. My tea still didn’t taste good, but I was a little more grateful for it.

How much of my day centered around me? My thoughts were constantly geared towards me, and most of the intentions behind my actions had something to do with myself.

Have I ever done anything completely selfless?

Even as I type this I am thinking, “What will people think of me if I become so transparent that my selfishness shines? Does this sentence sound good? What would sound better?”

A couple of weeks ago, my grandmother told me about a preacher that was teaching on self-centeredness and he asked, “Who is the first one you look for when you are given a group photo you were in?” The answer presumably is… you.

Yes that’s true.

“And if you don’t like the way you look, it is a bad photo. Even if the others look great, if you don’t, it’s not a good picture.”

Yes that’s true.

If we realized how much we thought about ourselves, we would probably be embarrassed. That is the nature of man. Me. My. I. Not we. Her. Him. They.

Have you heard of people choosing words for the new year? These words are a theme all year long and some feel God even gave them this word as a direction or a principle. Is it too early for God to give me mine? I believe His time table is not ours.

So… God gave me my word for 2020… others.

How do I make my life less about me and more about my fellow man? How do I serve not only my friends and community, but my family? Let’s face it, we usually treat our family worse than we treat our friends or neighbors, but that is a subject for a whole other blog.


For 2019 it was redeemed. That stood true. I got married to a wonderful man. God healed parts of my family that were suffering, and continues to. There is much to celebrate.

So for 2020 I think my words will be others and maybe… courage? I have a feeling from the Holy Spirit I will need courage.

How can you help your fellow man today?

What will be your word in 2020?

You are loved.
And Useful.

Go and make disciples.

“Have courage and be kind.”